Friday, January 3, 2014

Sewing List 2013

Well, it seems that I was away from historical sewing for 2013. Not many items were crossed off my list. Perhaps it would be a good idea to carry over my list into 2014. I know my girls would appreciate it. Our first event is the second Saturday in April. Wish me luck. :)

1/1/2013 - I will finish the things that I didn't get to last year as well as the new items that I want for my family for this year.

The Baby:
tatted collar - due 4/?/2013
Swimming Costume - due 6/2013

My Older Son:
Flannel Swimming Costume - Due 6/1/13
Wrapper - due 11/2013

My Younger Daughter:
Peach and Grey Long Sleeved Dress

Turquoise Sheer Dress - Due 6/1/13
Hat to match turquoise dress - Due 6/1/13
poplin dress

sleeves and collar for poplin dress
purple wool paletote - due 4/2013

Older Daughter:
Wrapper - due 11/2013
Green Sheer - Due 6/1/13
Hat to match Green Sheer - Due 6/1/13
sheer body, wool/silk skirt, blue silk belt

gold silk hat - due 4/2013
blue wool paletote - due 4/2013

For Me:
Tan Wool Dress w/ Burgundy Trim
Blue Sheer, Drawn Bonnet - Due 6/1/13
Rework my Sheer, Flounced Dress Body - Due 6/1/13
Ball Gown - Due 11/1/13 (in my dreams but not really)
Dress cap
Kid gloves
110" cage
Fashion corset
Add more trimmings to my gold silk bonnet - done 6/11/2013

My Husband:
Silk Vest - Due 11/1/13
Cravat - Due 11/1/13

My Mother:

Needle Books
Draw String Bags
Quilt top - Due 8/1/13

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